Inventory of the Via Emilia is an attempt to catalog the signs and changes left by mankind in that section of the Italian landscape that is the Via Emilia. Many times these changes do not serve to improve our way of life, but are contradictory traces of human intervention on the landscape. In the complexity of these territories, recognizing and classifying exemplars, dividing reality into taxonomies, allows us to mitigate the disagreement between rule and chaos and understand, perhaps only illusorily, these transformations. By travelling along the Via Emilia, I left out the urban centers in favor of the extra-urban and peripheral ones, focusing my attention on those “lands in between” where apparently a common logic is lacking, where man seems to claim a right of free expression. The choice of formal representation of the subjects and the search for a repetition of the perspective are necessary in order to maintain a proper objectivity in the representation of a shared reality. The cataloguing of the Inventory describes a fragmented landscape, the result of a journey back and forth (the one between Rimini and Milan) undertaken not only with the aim of decumenting the places and capturing their "life cycles" but also to trigger questions, solicitations, future projects.